Submission | Update on Previous Post: Pretty Little Lies
I forgot to add one thing to my last submission, which is also a MAJOR SPOILER!
I have yet to finish the book since I’ve been extremely busy lately, but I’m at the point where Courtney (pretending to be Ali) is faced with the inevitable return of her twin from Radley. The real Ali is showing improvement, no longer claiming to be Ali and cooperating with everyone.
During this time, “Ali” goes to the mall with the liars and sees the girl that “Courtney” was rooming with at Radley, who had just been released. This obviously puts Courtney on edge as well. I was thinking that towards the end of the real Ali’s stay at Radley, she formulates a plan with someone to take Courtney down, which would explain the use of the initial “A”.
There’s a lot of reason for Mona to be on the A-team, since the real Ali didn’t actually torment her. Melissa has her reasons for hating her, the most prominent being the fact that she meddled in her relationship with not only Ian, but Spencer as well. It’s hard to tell whether Melissa and Jenna are on the A-team, but then again, anything is possible! :)
I’m convinced that Courtney is not dead, and that she is the one we saw in the last episode as Red Coat. Only time will tell. (Less than) TWO MONTHS! Not that far, right? Haha!
Thank you, Jessica Rabideau, for this post submission. Season 3 recaps here.